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Summary of Electric Fence System Installers Training Course Registration guide (Edition 2 – 2013. - August 2013)


Dear Customers

We have been inundated with queries regarding registration for training towards the Certificate of Competence for installers. The following is an attempt to summarize the 26 page document (attached) to which it refers.

According to the amended Occupational and Safety Act 1993, all new electric fence installations erected after December 2012 require a CoC (Certificate of Compliance) and in order to issue this document, the installer needs to successfully complete a registered course which qualifies him to receive a Competency Declaration issued by the EWSETA. This in turn, if all procedures and documentation are found to be in order, will result in the Department of Labour issuing the  candidate with a registration card as an electric Fence Installer and which entitles him to issue a Certificate of Compliance (CoC) to the owner on completion of an installation.

Temporary registration expires at the end of September 2013. So it is necessary to now apply for permanent registration and prepare to be assessed, which for those with temporary registration unfortunately involves submitting documentation again

To assist customers, Ndlovu Fencing Pty Ltd t/a Stafix Electric Fence Centres are running 2-3 day training courses at local venues around the country, using a registered course (Accreditation Number EtDei7ENER13032008) endorsed by the EWSETA and recognized by the Department of Labour, with testing done the following week at a convenient venue by Cliff Cawood, an assessor and moderator registered with the EWSETA. The training will cover all the necessary Learning Outcomes under the 7 Registered Unit Standards for Electric Fence Installers as stipulated by the EWSETA and endorsed by the Department of Labour, including some advanced training to equip the candidate to cope with present and future developments in the industry. Stafix uses multiple trainers in order to ensure that the different aspects of the course are presented by experienced experts as required by SAQA and to provide their candidates with quality training and value for their money. The price of the course, which is fixed by the course provider and not Stafix, also includes a file of comprehensive learning materials – study guide and notes, Power Point illustrations, tuition, assignments and the assessment and also covers liaison with the various government departments through which the applications are channeled. So once you have done the course and submitted the necessary documents, the rest is done for you.

A prerequisite for those wishing to register and do this course under Category B i.e. Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL), is that the applicant must have completed our Stafix Basic Electric Fencing Installation Course, or have his temporary registration, or be able to produce testimonial letters from a supplier or satisfied customers.

The Stafix Saturday Basic Electric Fencing Installation Course covers many of the basics of the more advanced CoC course and thus a person who attends the COC course without prior training or knowledge will be at a disadvantage and cannot be accepted. A person entering the industry with no acceptable prior knowledge will need to register with a bona fide provider (Initial Training Provider) under Catergory A which involves a four month mentorship.

Most of our customers, for whom we are providing a service, are existing installers and thus have prior experience and training and so should ignore Category A and concern themselves only with the Category B registration. They will thus be able to go straight into the CoC course or do our Basic Course and then the CoC course.  


In order to book, please complete the forms on the Stafix SA website (Link) and mail to Rose together with all the necessary documents as per the booking check list (Link).

On receipt of the above documents, an invoice will be sent to the learner for the following:-

Total Fee inclusive of Vat is R 4500-00 for the 3 days.

This includes: registration fee, training, assignments, examination fees, tuition, extensive course materials and meals.

In summary the course content covers the following:

  Electric fencing components.

  Basic electronic and electrical theory.

  Basic electronic and electrical components and equipment.

  Basic electronic and electrical theory as applied to electric fencing.

  Installation configuration, quotation, work plans and administration.

  Occupational Health and Safety Act – sections applicable to electric fencing.

  SANS 10222-3 and sections of SANS 60335-2-76.

  Completing the ‘Electric Fence System Certificate of Compliance’.

An additional session covers, aspects of:-

  Earthing systems.

  Overvoltage , electromagnetic interference and ground potential.


  Communication systems.

  Electric fence circuits, monitoring systems and electrical systems.

  Networking / Wireless / TCPIP

  Game Fencing

  Solar Installations

Registration at a glance

There are two categories of registration, namely:

Category A registration – for candidates who have no prior electric fencing installation experience or less than two       years’ experience in Electric Fencing installation. This requires 4 month’s mentorship.

      Further registration information is available on pages 3-9 of the attached document.

Category B registration – for candidates who have more than two year’s prior electric fencing experience and/or       prior knowledge of electrical and electronic knowledge and experience.

      Further registration information is available on Pages 10-16 of the attached document.

Category A registration – no prior electric fencing installation experience

This category applies to candidates who wish to enter the Electric Fencing Industry for the first time or have less than two years’ experience in the field. They will need to do a mentorship of 4 months over and above the training.

Installers who wish to avail themselves of this option need to read the summary below in conjunction with pages 3-9 of the attached document.

Installers with bona fide prior learning should ignore this category and go on to Category B below.

Prospective Category A learners need to complete the following registration process:

     1.   Complete the Electric Fence System Installers Course Application Form – Category A, on page 4 of the attached

     2.   Enter into a mentorship agreement with an existing registered Electric Fence System Installer and complete,
           together with the mentor, an Electric Fence System Installer – Learner Requisition Form; Experiential Training, on
           page 7 of the attached document.
           (Experiential training is a four-month ‘on the job’ training period, under the guidance and mentorship of a
           permanently registered Electric Fence Installer. During this training period the learner shall cover all the various
           aspects of electric fencing installation as laid out in the 7 Electric Fencing Unit Standards.)

     3.   Provide a certified copy of his or her Identity Documents;

     4.   The prospective learner needs to read through, understand and fill in the relevant sections of the attached
           document pages 3-9.

     5.    Before the booking can be made the above mentioned documents (*see summary below) need to be delivered,
           e-mailed or sent to the Stafix Electric Fence and Security Centre in the town/city where the training takes place.

     6.   On receipt of all the documents (and if they are all completed correctly), an invoice will be issued for the
           registration fee of R2000.00.

     7.   Upon full settlement of the payment, the candidate may collect the learning materials from the branch or request
           that they be couriered at his/her expense.

Category A registration - Compulsory classes, examinations and assessments

Category A registration comprises of compulsory classes, examination and assessments on all modules and aspects of electric fencing as set out by the current Unit Standards and in accordance with the Department of Education and Department of Labour stipulations.

Category A registration - Bookings, course fees, payment terms and delivery of course ware

  * To register for the course, learners have to submit the following documents:

   1. Electric Fence System Installers Course Application Form- Category A;

   2. Electric Fence System Installer – Learner Registration Form  – Category A;

   3. Certified copy of his or her ID document;


 All the compulsory training classes, examinations and assessments will be held at a suitable venue designated by the course provider.

Category B registration – prior electric fencing installation experience


This category applies to individuals who have a minimum of two year’s electric fence installation experience.

This summary has reference to the attached document pages 10-16.

Prospective Category B learners need to complete the following registration process:

     1.   Complete the Electric Fence System Installers Course Application Form – Category B, on page 11 of the attached

     2.   Complete the Electric Fence System Installer – Recognition of prior Learning – Category B application form on
           page 14 of the attached document;

     3.   Provide a certified copy of his or her Identity Documents;

     4.   The prospective learner needs to read through, understand and fill in the relevant sections of the attached
           document pages 10-16.

     5.    Before the booking can be made the above mentioned documents (*see summary below) need to be delivered,
           e-mailed or sent to the Stafix Electric Fence and Security Centre in the town/city where the training takes place.

     6.   On receipt of all the documents (and if they are all completed correctly), an invoice will be issued for the
           registration fee of R2000.00.

     7.   Upon full settlement of the payment, the candidate may collect the learning materials from the branch or request
            that they be couriered at his/her expense.

Category B registration - Compulsory classes, examinations and assessments

Category B registration comprises of compulsory classes, examination and assessments on all modules and aspects of electric fencing as set out by the current Unit Standards and in accordance with the Department of Education and Department of Labour stipulations.

Category B registration - Bookings, course fees, payment terms and delivery of course ware

  * To register for the course, learners have to submit the following documents:-


   1. Electric Fence System Installers Course Application Form- Category B;

   2. Electric Fence System Installer – Recognition of Prior Learning – Category B;

   3. Certified copy of his or her ID document;


 All the compulsory training classes, examinations and assessments will be held at a suitable venue designated by the course provider.
